Streaming video with Meridix

Cube got acquired by some company that only does HIGH school events. They referred us to Meridix. It's actually easier now, though the public view is ad-heavy.

APP: Meridix Sports Broadcaster

LOGIN ID: CrossroadsNH

PASSWORD: (see note in leather case with iPad)

MANAGEMENT URL (where we can add metadata to past events etc.):

PUBLIC URL (to be linked from our website, and/or emailed to users):


On the iPad, launch the app and log in if prompted.

Click "LIVE BROADCAST" and give it a name (can be edited later) and an event type ("General").

The default video quality settings are fine.

Tap the red record button to begin streaming.

Once you've begun, the event will appear on our public URL.

Advise users to bookmark and refresh that page until the event begins, then click the event. They should then NOT CLICK THE GREEN BUTTON THAT APPEARS <- this is an advertisement. JUST WAIT.


Log in to the management URL and go to On Demand -> Edit:

Find your event in the list and click the Edit button next to it. Add metadata to your heart's content, e.g.:

(Ignore the rest of the settings on that page.) Users will see these details with the event on our main page, like so:

(Presumably, a preview will appear after the video has existed for awhile...not sure yet.) Also, I don't see the "important details" anywhere so skip those I guess. lol.