New Staff Procedures
Updated June 29, 2021 by MB
Generally, this is how it goes; please email Bates if things are missing or incorrect.
1. Darlene or Erin gets their home email addresses from the HOS and, once they've signed contracts, sends those to Bates.
2. Bates creates their Google account and adds them to the allstaff group (which also adds them to the StaffWork shared drive.)
Bates records their password in the passwords sheet.
For TEACHERS, Bates adds them to the "classroom teachers" group (to enable Google Classroom.)
Bates adds them to whatever Google Shared drives they need besides staffwork.
3. Bates (as networkadmin) emails them their Google credentials at their home email address
4. Darlene (once she knows their positions/titles) adds them to the auxiliary Google groups: msteachers, lsteachers, admin, parent groups etc.
5. Ryan determines their computer needs and contacts Bates
6. Bates creates their Active Directory account and sets up their computer, if applicable
7. Darlene adds them to PowerSchool and assigns their roles and their username and password
8. Erin handles their Crossroads website access
9. Erin handles their SchoolSpring (using Jamie's account) and Vidigami and SurveyMonkey access (FIXME we canceled SurveyMonkey, and I'm not sure if there's a replacement for Vidigami? Or other services?)
10. If they get an iPad, Ryan (?) assigns them a passcode and an AppleID and password
11. If they're in finance or development, Hazel/Jamie/Bates handle their access to FACTS/FAST/QuickBooks/NeonCRM
12. If they're in admissions or otherwise need it, Bates handles their access to SchoolAdmin
13. If they need to do mass parent/grandparent/alumni communications, Bates (as networkadmin) handles their access to Constant Contact
14. If they need to do snow day or emergency calls, Bates handles their access to BrightArrow (via PowerSchool)
15. If they join FPC or Marshall Memo, HOS will let Darlene know and she'll add them to the right Google group(s)