Medication Management

Here's a cheatsheet of sorts:

To edit an individual kid:

• Find the kid, then click Health -> Medication Administration tab

To set up an RX med for a kid:

1. FIRST make an inventory.

Name it the name of the medication itself

Put the actual dosage, e.g. "20mg" in Unit of Measurement field

Put the total number of pills/capsules provided to you in the Total Initial Inventory field

Put the low count for when you want it to turn pink

2. THEN make an authorization.

Choose the inventory name from what you just did above

Set Authorization Type to Prescription

Put any notes about the dosage days/times in the Notes field

Put the quantity of inventory units per dose (e.g. pills or half-pills), NOT the actual milligrams, in the "Dose" field; the milligrams already appears next to that field

If it's critical, enter the administration time of day, otherwise leave it blank

Enter start and end dates for the duration of the medication (most of the time, click the "Use school year start and end dates" for speed)

Check the relevant box if it's Required Daily

3. Click Administer in the Authorizations section when you actually give the med to the kid.

• Click History next to the authorization to see the past doses.

• When you get a refill, click Waste/Replenish in the Inventory section, then select Replenish and enter the new amount of pills, it will be added to the existing inventory.

• If you discard pills, click Waste/Replenish in the Inventory section, then select Waste and give the reason (dropped, expired, returned to guardian, or other.)

• If you accidentally make an administration and want to delete it (wrong kid, wrong med, whatever), go to History, click the date of the errant administration, click Delete Dose, then Confirm Delete. (If you want your school's settings NOT to allow deletions (e.g. hospital charting "log all mistakes" philosophy), that IS doable on a per-school basis using the configuration screen -- see below.

To work with more than one student at a time:

Start page -> Special Functions -> scroll down to the bottom and click MBA Meds Functions -> Record Daily Medications -- everyone who's due for meds today will be listed. You can Remove students from the list, submit the rest, and come back to get the others later. So for example, if you have 10 kids who take their pill at lunch, and 2 who take it at the end of the day, you can come to this page at lunch, remove those 2 from the list, dose the other 10, then dose the 2 later.

Absent kids will be highlighted pink. You still need to log their dose as "not given," at which point the Reason Not Given (absent, refused, etc.) dropdown will appear.

• Start page -> Special Functions -> scroll down to the bottom and click MBA Meds Functions -> Mass Authorize Medication section. Here, you can select some or all students and set them all to be authorized for various OTC meds. As we discussed yesterday, the most efficient thing would be to authorize everyone for Tylenol, then go back and remove the authorization for the few who can't take it. Rinse lather repeat for the other OTC stuff.

• (The other two functions, "Create Authorization Cards" and "Administer Medication Doses", aren't applicable to us at this time, they're for gigantic schools with bar codes and stuff.)

To run reports:

• Start page -> System Reports -> scroll down to the bottom and click Student Medication Report and use the date range and dropdowns to home in on what you want. This will give a list of all kids and doses based on your criteria.

• Start page -> System Reports -> scroll down to the bottom and click Medication Inventory Report to see all your inventories -- the kid, the medication, the current inventory, the low count, etc.

To change the overall configuration:

Depending on how your security group is configured, you may not be able to make changes here, but you should still be able to see the settings at least. If you need to make a change and you can't, email the helpdesk.

Go to Start page -> School -> scroll down to the bottom and click Medication Configuration Screen. The options are fairly self-explanatory here. This is where you can turn the parent portal view on and off, and toggle parents' ability to create authorizations for OTC meds as opposed to just view what you've done.

Parent portal view:

The administration history will appear on the parent portal if your school has the parent portal meds view enabled. You don't have to log every cough drop etc. especially at the high school level. If you want to log something but NOT have it visible to parents, use the Health Office Visits section instead. If you enable parents to create authorizations, they can NOT remove or edit an authorization, whether they created it or you did; they have to call/communicate directly with you if their kid suddenly can't have Tylenol anymore.