Accidental Transfer Out
In July 2020 we transferred a student out before EOY process, then learned that she might be staying. These are the steps I followed:
Part I: Re-enroll the student (from here:)
1. From the search student screen, type a forward slash " / " and the last name of the student that had been transferred out. Click the search button.
2. Once you have ONLY THAT student selected, navigate to Functions > Re-Enroll In School.
3. On the Re-Enroll In School screen, enter the following :
Date of re-enrollment: Enter in the first day of school for this student. (normally it is the first day of school)
Entry Code: Select the original entry code for the student
Entry comment: Enter a comment, if applicable.
Full-Time Equivalency: Select the FTE associated to this student.
Grade Level: Choose the grade level of the student.
Track: Choose a track for the student ( Normally not selected, do not use unless the school is using tracks for attendance)
District of Residence: Select if state information is required.
Restore Class Enrollments: Select "NO" , if you select yes it will create a new (duplicate) set of course enrollments for the student.
4. Click Submit. The student is now active. <- This did NOT make them active for me! Perhaps because we were already past the end of the school year. I had to go into Modify Student Field and change her enroll_status from 2 to 0 manually.
Part II: Restoring dropped classes (from here):
1. Go into DDA and select the CC table and search for studentid = the student's DBID, and TermID = -2900 (the current year's termid, but with a negative sign in front) -- this should yield a list of all of this year's sections for that student.
2. Open each result in a separate tab and change the following:
Date_Left - change back to the original exit date for entire school
Section ID - remove the (-) sign
Term ID - also remove the (-) sign
Submit and close tab