
There are three SSIDs: crossroads, public, and science. They are functionally identical, but the school's devices are keyed to crossroads, while students' and visitors' personal devices are directed to use public. I believe that the only function of science is for an AppleTV in the lab at Klee but I'm not sure. All three SSIDs use a different WPA2 PSK which can be found on the spreadsheet. For Macs and iOS things, there is also a wifi configuration profile that Marion can provide if asked. Clients get an IP via DHCP directly from the primary Windows server.

As of this writing (February 2019), the wireless infrastructure is straddling two vendors. We have Aruba Instant WAPs in Klee, the middle school, and the basement + loft of the Barn. The STEM lab and Bancroft are still on Aerohive. We will be replacing the rest of the Aerohive gear with Aruba WAPs in summer 2019.

There are two ways to view/configure the Aruba network:

1. Be connected to it and surf to https://instant.arubanetworks.com:4343 In this scenario, that address will automatically route you to whichever WAP is currently acting as the virtual controller.

2. Be on the Aerohive or wired network and (as of this writing) surf to (the current virtual controller)

3. Log in with admin and the usual sciencey one.

As for the Aerohive network, we've deliberately allowed our support contract to expire, so you can't get in there anymore. But it was at https://myhive.aerohive.com

TBD FIXME notes about the actual configs etc.

Blank floor plans are attached. Will put up annotated ones when installation is complete.